You’re working way too hard. Really, you are! Who has time to type a report, to balance the budget, to organize that business trip and find the right hotel for your luxurious stay in Paris…...Texas! You should be using your time to close deals, high five the boys when you score that new client and leave all the day to day running around to your PA. Me!
Seriously, do you really think you have time to do all the mundane things that turn into long, laborious tasks that consume your days? I didn't think so. I know you really want to get that new brochure published, but are you going to pay a graphic designer too much money and end up then having to find a printer to reproduce it? Designing and being creative is my forte, I absolutely love it! Yes I know, you picture me at my 1950's typewriter, my fingers red from having to hit the keys so hard just to get the letters to appear on the paper, but that is not my only talent you know. I have created beautiful newsletters, glossy brochures, elegant letterheads. I can do it all!
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